Nothing is really happening here on the adoption front. There is speculation that a new director will be put into place (the guy that signs out our file "IBESR" ) we have been stuck in place for near 7 months. The change may be a good change, but could also bring on new delays. I've learned through my adoptions that I have to go in this with a "no expectation" approach, I was doing great until I was mislead into believing I was going to be signed out by the "director" himself. That brought on a whole new set of anxiety that I'm really not willing to entertain anymore. She will be home once she gets here, and until then I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist over something I cannot control.
Becoming a mommy has been one of the biggest struggles I've had in my life, between the years of infertility/fertility treatment and the adoption process it's been quite trying. I would always dream and fantasize about
being a mom, holding, loving my children. Nothing ever prepared me for the truth, that nothing I could of imagined could describe the real love I would feel for them or the real feelings I would encounter. I still sit in awww and get tears if joy when I look at Ty. I have been blessed beyond belief, it's even better than anything I could have wished for or dreamed about. I am a mommy now and it was well worth the wait. I just have to remember the big picture, that she too will be home & once all is said and done, she will be here forever and I will get to spend the rest of my life being her mommy!!! I Love you Tamaya!
Becoming a mommy has been one of the biggest struggles I've had in my life, between the years of infertility/fertility treatment and the adoption process it's been quite trying. I would always dream and fantasize about

Reading your blog has touched my heart! First of all, I have realized the pain you have overcome with infertility and more importantly, the immense love that has grown as you have become a mother to Ty and Tamaya. It is obvious that you are strong, caring and unselfish woman. We can't even imagine how difficult it must be waiting for two members of your family to come home but your blogging gives us a small glimpse. It made me realize that the wife's of our military men make a similiar sacrafice to our country. God Bless both the wives and the soldiers that give so much of themselves so that the world can have peace!
Tammy, thank you so much for your kind words; it is very hard to miss both my child & my dear Steve. I am so proud of Steve for the devotion he has for Canada, but it doesn't make missing him easier. Thank you for seeing my sacrifice as well. By the way I miss ya girl (big hug)
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