Thursday, September 07, 2006

I am slowly going crazy!!!

So maybe my choice to bring in the 1 year old baby into the daycare wasn't such a great idea. Today was his 3rd day here and I am exhausted. He is going through some pretty MAJOR separation anxiety, refuses to nap and of course this brings on some pretty grumpy, whiny behavior. Today after trying everything to get him to sleep during quiet time, I brought him into the living room with me and he was fast asleep within seconds. Of course after 10 minutes of him sleeping I *TRIED* to put him down so I could get some things done and get a moment for myself.... well.... He woke up and kept crying. I will have to use the 'ol tough love on him to get him to follow my daycare routine because it is the only time during the day I have to regain energy and breath. His parents are wonderful and a great family to work with. I did have to worn his mom tonight that if he cannot adjust, or at least make headway within the next month I will have to let him go. I am pretty certain he will adjust within that time frame, but I had to be honest about my feelings.
Ty of course took this opportunity (the baby having mom's attention)to get himself into trouble and test some boundaries... poor Ty got a tongue lashing because mommy was on her last nerve, mind you he shaped up and was great all day :-)
So much for not taking in any other daycare kids until after Tamaya gets here. I had a phone call last night and my girl friends neighbour was desperate for childcare for before school. Her childcare provider decided to replace them with full time children and booted her out with no notice.. nice. So, of course I felt bad for her, and now I have a full house until Feb at which time her son will be old enough to babysit his sister. They are barely any work and actually keep my oldest daycare kid (10) occupied... Almost feels like free money..... but sure makes up for the baby

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