Thursday, September 28, 2006

A day in my shoes.

I thought I would write what I do on a daily basis; play by play, readers digest Of course I will spare you of some gory details!!!

5:40; hit snooze
6:13; Oh man I didn't have time to grab my shower, run out have a quick smoke before the kids get here
6:17; Riley shows up, I make my pot of coffee.
6:20; Jeremy and Briana show up.
6:21; I put Riley down for his 1st nap
6:30; make myself a cup of coffee, sit down, check e-mail, while also waiting for the next family to show up. Hope I have enough time to go to the washroom before the next family shows up...(I had
6:45; they show up, the house gets a tad louder.
7:00; went down stairs with the kids; the older kids had a little argument on who was 1st on the computer; rock paper scissors solved that problem. Gave Jeremy a time-out for being silly.. He continued to act up. I scooped the litter; put a load in the washer.
7:30; Ty woke up; I think he was up again in the night, when I went down his bedroom light was on?
7:45; Gave Ty his breakfast. Called Jeremy upstairs because he playing with the doors downstairs, another time-out for him because he was being silly and refusing to come up, he talked back and screamed. (I'm thinking it will be a matter of minutes that he will wake Riley up with his LOUDNESS!!! )
8:00; I send a quick post to blog with pics of Ty as a baby, start writing Steve an e-mail.....Riley starts crying, then he stopped and went back to sleep (hmmmm.. I wonder why?) I make myself another cup of coffee (NEED CAFFEINE) I don't have time to finish Steve's e-mail, I minimize it until later.
8:10; go back down stairs with the kids with my coffee and tell them to BE QUIET.. They are being pretty loud
8:30; send the big kids to school... yipppeee now I only have 3 kids in the house instead of 6. Put my laundry in the dryer; put a load in the washer. Directed Ty to clean his room and did a quick once over with Jeremy & Ty with the daycare toys. Emptied the dishwasher, put the dirty dishes in it.
9:00; Got Riley up, changed his poopy butt. Plopped my bread in the toaster, cut up some honeydew melon for snack (in mini bite size pieces for Riley) got their drinks ready, sat down to feed them snack and eat my now cold toast, slice of melon and coffee that needs to go in the microwave it got cold (yum). Put their dishes in the dishwasher, clean up my honeydew mess, give the kitchen another quick once over. Wash up the kids.
9:30; thinking of what we can do for "craft time" ummm play-dough. Get the play-dough (even thought I know it will be a nice big mess when it’s all done.) Ty wants yellow to make a ski-doo like his papa's, Jeremy wants blue. (they argue about the play dough accessories, then work it I give Riley white play dough and it's so cute to see him "trying" to play with it, and of course try to eat it... YUCK, with shivers is the expression on his face when he took a taste of the salty stuff then he throws his to the I give him a toy airplane to keep him busy for a couple minutes.
9:45; now I'm thinking of what I'm going to make them for lunch??? The choices are salmon pie with a side of veg, fried bologna, with veg and mashed, or tortellini with a rose sauce???.
9:50; Ty's actually being good today, but of course Jeremy is the one with the attitude. Meanwhile Riley is getting bored and loud. His play-dough adventure is done??? The other 2 are still arguing about one certain play-dough toy that I have threatened to take away if they can't share.
10:00; Jeremy throws a play-dough thing at Ty.. Time out!!! Ugh, is it nap time yet??? My, how Jeremy is having a hard time with life today. I'm willing to bet that Mr. Jeremy went to bed too late last night. If I think of it I will ask daddy what time the booger went to bed at last night!!!
10:02; Time out is "technically done" but I think I'm going to leave him there for at least another minute... why? 'cause I can :-)
10:03; I ask Jeremy if he's ready to be a big boy and play with the play-dough properly? "yep" he replies. He starts arguing with Ty again the second he sits down. Lovely. Riley is whining again!.. Does anyone have an extra set of ear plugs.... anyone???
10:04; I need a smoke or Prozac!!!!
10:07; I still haven't gone for my smoke. I sneeze and Ty and Jeremy say "bless you Sue/Maman" too cute. OK I think it's safe again to run out for a butt.
10:13; I come back in the house. Step on Ty's little soldier (ouch.. son of a beehive that hurt) Give Riley some snuggles and tickle him. I love hearing laughter from children. Change his butt again.
10:20; Check the net for a craft to do tomorrow.
10:27; found something; Foliage Friends it's a really cool site you should check it out if you have little ones CLICK HERE.
10:30; just wondering if your still reading my blog or dizzy yet???, put Jeremy in another time-out, this time he is placed in the bedroom. I had originally put him on the "magic carpet", but he kept screaming and yelling at me.. NOPE, bye, bye in the room he went.
10:45; starting my lunch, tortellini it is. Went and got the screaming boy out the room!!!
11:00; finish up lunch, let it cool. Get the kids to clean up the play-dough mess.
11:15; pass the vacuum real quick in Tamaya's room (the room Riley sleeps), open up the house I'm freaken sweaty... awww nice and cool. I sit down at the table and laugh with the kids. Ty kisses my feet and it tickles. I have no idea where he thought that up??? Get the kids plates and drinks ready. Cut Riley's food into mini pieces strip the kids to their bare bellies and put a body bib on Riley.
11:30; they sit to eat. It's a hit :-) they are all stuffing their mouths with it; within moments Jeremy is done and is having a plate of seconds. Riley finishes his first helping too... I cut him up so more mini pieces for his 2nds. Ty finishes his up and does not want more... he wants desert.
11:45: they are all done.. Riley decides he is done and feeds the dog.. MAN. I have only had 5 bites of my lunch because I'm too busy with :-( I give them a cookie. Jeremy is too stuffed and tired and says no thank you to, and is complaining he is cold (no I gobble the rest of my lunch down, down a glass of water. Ty is helping put all the dirty dishes into the sink for me I clean up the kids, change their diapers and Riley had another leaker... man, I think he needs bigger diapers and the diapers are a new box mom just bought. I change his clothes; put him down for nap time. Change the channel for Ty, give him a kiss and hug.. Tell him to be good. I go down stairs to check on Jeremy and make sure he is in his is still in his nap spot, give his a hug, kiss and a g'night. I plop the dry load of clothes on the lazy boy chair for later. Put the wet stuff in the dryer... find a whistle in the washer and a Kleenex that was washed... got to love it!!!! Awww darn I forgot to brush teeth... Ooops.. Later!
12:00... Smoke time....AAAAwwwww I can breath, well for a few
12:30; since noon I've been busy; I've managed to do the lunch dishes, passed the vacuum on the main floor, gave my washroom a quick one over, washed my floors. I've made a jug of juice for snack time and have more to do. I was doing all this with a bad case of hiccups (prob from eating too you may remember the other day I had a laundry problem and I had took care of most of it except for mine being put away 'cause I wanted to put my summer clothes away? Well, my laundry still isn't put away. I've decided to not put my summer clothes away, just put my laundry away so I don't have to look at the baskets in my room anymore.. Maybe next time :-)
1:15; all the laundry is put away...yipppeee. (Oh ya except the 2 load from this morning that still need attention..later.) I pump Ty's spider-man bed back up after I cleaned the plastic with product, Now I have to jump in the shower because I have to be out of here by 4:30, as soon as the kids leave, for Ty's dance classes. I still need to figure out something for a quick supper. Chicken pot pie maybe?
1:30, I check my chat groups to see if there is any news or signs of movement in Haiti. Check my mom's group... procrastinating :-).. I should be in the shower. Ty has a couple issues and I calm him back to finishing quiet time properly.
2:00; awwww I feel nice and refreshed from my quick shower :-) I'm "thinking" of closing up the house, it's getting quite chilly in here since I've I've sent out a couple e-mails, now I'm going to get back to writing Steve his e-mail!!! Do a little surfing... quiet time is just about over :-(
2:22 Riley Cry guy is up... quiet time is NOW officially over.. Almost like clockwork. I ran downstairs to get Jeremy up from his nap, changed him put him on the potty (intro to the potty) gave Ty some clothes to get dressed and then he started, he didn't want the clothes I gave him, he wanted his jeans. I refused to argue with him.. told him to get in his room for a time-out (he was also being very rude to Jeremy) and told him he was there for 3 minutes.. 3 minutes later, I go in his room and he had another nice big pee on the carpet, I put a pull-up on him and told him he had to take a nap. I brought Jeremy up stairs, went and got Riley changed and put them both at the table for Ritz, marble cheese and a glass of milk. I'm really disappointed; I had a plan and that went out the window. I was going to bring them out in the back forest to find some leaves for tomorrow’s craft.
3:00; plopped my supper in the oven (deep dish sirloin steak pie from Presidents choice) I like nice easy meals when I really don't feel like cooking... especially when we have to run out the house so early. It should be more than enough for supper tonight and lunch tomorrow for the kids. Jeremy is in a great mood now and laughing his head off.. We both are.. his new phrase.. "you so funny Sue" "I so funny", Riley is pretty giddy too, he is laughing up a storm. I clean up after snack.. Misty(our dog) sure will enjoy the snack Riley has left on the floor. A whole piece of cheese and a couple She is eye balling them pretty intensely. I know the minute I move from my chair she will run to it.
3:15; I hear Ty and am contemplating going to get him and see if he is ready for going for a walk??? Maybe??? He is in better spirits he agrees to wear what I chose. We are actually going to get out of the Now I'm off to get them all dressed for outside :-) I can't forget about my supper in the oven!!!! I'll turn it down a bit until I'm closer to home to keep an eye on it.
4:20; I just came in with the kids 2 of the kids. I went for my walk, I was going to go around the block and up the trail behind my house, when I realized it was close to my before and after school kid to arrive. I got the kids to pick some leaves up the oopsy. A neighbour asked me if I was able to be her back-up sitter. Of course, as long as I don't have Tamaya home yet. She needs me for a week in December, I honestly don't think Tamaya will be home by then. Then the kids played in the back yard and I picked up doggy doo-doo.. fun. My friend Stephanie up the road noticed I was dressed "yup, only because I have to go to dance with Ty" I hollered. She also mentions how good the kids are behaving; I tell her it's all just an act... tee hee
4:30; my last kids leave, I didn't forget to ask daddy what time Jeremy went to bed at, he said at 8.. I said ohhh.. I would have thought he was up half the night with the attitude he had on this morning. He says "oh ya, the back up sitter didn't think he still I knew there was something and it had to do with fatigue :-)
I get Ty at the table serve him his supper, I ran down stairs got him a new pair of pants. Fed the dog and now I'm just about to eat my supper too.... Ok so supper isn't that great don't love it..I'll eat it, but I'm sure it will be the last time.
4:45; we are out of here!!!
6:05; we get home, we we're on the way there we were behind Mr. speed limit and I was honestly getting a little I pass a church sign and it said “being mad at the clock is like being mad at a bathroom scale”..It made me laugh.. I calmed down right after that. Since I have Ty I can never be on time anywhere. The dance teacher let us watch the last 2 minutes and Ty actually did what he was supposed to.. yipppeee, he did have my friends daughter as his assistant, but I was so proud that he actually followed direction. Yeah Ty. The dance teacher even made a comment about how good he was!!!
6:40; I got my dishes done, Ty bathed the afterbath (consisting of creaming his entire body, oiling his hair, brushing it, brushing his teeth... speaking of teeth, I forgot to do the daycare kids teeth today.. OOpsss, oh well, their parents can do it!!!,) floors swept (yes those darn floors again, I swear I'm not OCD, I have 3 pets and 5 daycare kids !!!) and I gave the tub a quick clean.....and now I'm ready to have some relax time!!! I will do some snuggling with Ty until 7:00 then it's off to bed for him.... I'm so tired, I bet I get my second wind as soon as he gets to
7:30; Ty's in bed, I folded my 2 loads of laundry, put them away, have a load ready for the morning. Put my jammies on... went for a butt, put the dog out and now I'm going to check my e-mail...probably post this message and do "NOTHING" until bedtime... It's survivor night!!!! I have a little heartburn, probably from that darn supper.

* this a day in my shoes. It has been a good day at that :-) no major melt downs just "normal" kids, I kept my cool.. It was a stress free day, the days I really don't mind having!!! I really don't understand why I'm so dead at the end of the day though..LOL.. just kidding. I know I don't stop. When I do, it's because I'm usually out with the flu.

What I did for me today; gonna park my butt and watch survivor with a snack and pop

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