Saturday, September 02, 2006

Saturday morning ritual

It's funny how every time I turn around I am reminded of how much I miss my love, my partner and friend. Usually on Saturday mornings we have a seat in the family room, while listening to music and having a coffee.. Most times this is accompanied with our weekend ritual of looking at the weekly flyer's looking for some more "junk" to buy. This morning consisted of most of the same, but instead of actually having a conversation with Steve, I was writing his "daily" letter. I'm finding this tour especially harder than the other; partially due to the fact it's still new, & partially due to the fact we are now at a different stage in our marriage. We are parents!
The way I look at a tour is as such; You work at your marriage daily (a place where you are happy and content with all aspect of your relationship), when your dear spouse departs your relationship is put on hold, when they return you work to get back to the point in which you once were, just for them to leave again. Sounds fun...Eh?, With all that being said, I would never trade my hubby, or life for anything. I have been blessed with having Steve and Ty in my life. Waiting just makes my life more interesting.