Wednesday, September 20, 2006

debate in regard to our soldiers in Afghan

I belong to a mom's chat group. We are having a debate on if the soldiers should be pulled out or not. This was my 2cents and my opinion. I found it quite amusing. Just thought i would share my opinion with you.

my dear Steve has corrected me; I stand corrected and have been told..LOL.
hey love, Your blog is wrong. It's not the UN that is here but NATO. You might want to get your facts straight. The UN was never in Afgan. For better terms we are called ISAF International Security Assistance force which is part of Nato.


I believe this was NOT our war to fight, we should of stayed out right from the beginning..., but the UN got involved and we are part of the UN. We are there now and we must finish what we started despite the growing number of casualties. If Canada was to pull out now the soldiers would of died in vain. The Taliban would see it as they "won" the fight to take over their country and they would continue to make things difficult for most Afghan people.

Our soldiers are there for many reasons.. could you imagine living a life as a woman to be denied education, denied the opportunity to voice your opinion. (gosh I couldn't imagine that Could you REALLY imagine living an oppressed life. What if this was happening in Canada, wouldn't want help?, wouldn't you want someone to come in and save the day. I know I would. These people are suffering at the hands of the Taliban. They need a stable government. They need outside help to do that.

The Taliban are a HUGE threat to Canada. I honestly prefer my husband and the military getting them over there, then having them attack here.

My husbands life is on the line daily. I support him 100%. I fear loosing him, I don't want to be a widow at 29. But I know that's where he wants to be. He wants to be there fighting and trying to bring a little bit of order to a country that needs it. I am willing and supporting him even though I also need him home. My dh is sacrificing even meeting his baby girl for the 1st time for his country. For us, for them.

My husband and all the soldier over there KNEW this wasn't even close to being a "peace keeping" mission. THEY ALL chose to be there and they all knew they may have to pay the ultimate sacrifice by choosing to be there. Before dh left we had a lengthy conversation of the "what if's" he did say that if he died in combat and for his country it would be the greatest way to go... They are dedicated, they are soldiers... they have trained for this for years and now they finally get to do what they signed up for.

Regardless of peoples opinions I do believe strongly that even if you don't believe in what they are fighting for and whether they should or shouldn't be there we should all be supporting them 100% They are our Canadian soldiers and they would give up there lives and their happiness for our country and for our freedom. I SUPPORT OUR TROOPS. Thank you for your sacrifice boys it hasn't gone unnoticed!!!

QUOTE from a lady from the chat group and my response.

What about all the other "women or children" in the world that are not getting help? We can't help every single trouble country. What about our own? It's not like we have NO issues in Canada. Why not redirect some of that money to helping some of us here.

My answer to her;
No we cannot help every hurting person or country in the world. We could however help some. It starts by helping some.

Now I don't know if you've ever been to a 3rd world country, but "our" problems are nothing compared to what they endure on a daily basis. We have the luxury to sweat the small stuff. In Canada you can help yourself. You CHOOSE to make bad choices and have consequence. That's the perks of freedom. Canada helps any person that needs help. example, we have a welfare system, we have EI, we have education for EVERYONE who chooses it. We have free heath care. We have food stamps, we have shelter for the homeless we have unlimited resources to help the unfortunate. C'mon you can't honestly be that naive, what more can we want?

"Our own" honestly We our one world... it doesn't matter where you come from we are all the same. We are all human we all deserve the best life has to offer.

I found this 'article very enlightening... maybe you will too!

Imagine doing the following, and you will see how daily life is for as many as a billion people in the world. Take out all the furniture in your home except for one table and a couple of chairs. Use blanket and pads for beds.Take away all of your clothing except for your oldest dress or suit, shirt or blouse. Leave only one pair of shoes.Empty the pantry and the refrigerator except for a small bag of flour, some sugar and salt, a few potatoes, some onions, and a dish of dried beans.Dismantle the bathroom, shut off the running water, and remove all the electrical wiring in your house.Take away the house itself and move the family into the toolshed.Move the nearest hospital or clinic ten miles away and put a midwife in charge instead of a doctor.Throw away your bankbooks, stock certificates, pension plans, and insurance policies. Leave the family a cash hoard of ten dollars.Give the head of the family a few acres to cultivate on which he can raise a few hundred dollars of cash crops, of which one third will go to the landlord and one tenth to the money lenders.

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