I decided to bring the daycare kids and Ty to get a couple groceries for my baked beans I will attempt tomorrow.... silly, silly, silly me. I sometimes wonder where I get these great ideas. It's hard enough going anywhere with my Ty guy, let alone bring the rest of the possey!!!
*Please keep in mind that my girl friends cat just had kittens and our neighbors pregnant.. fuel to the fire!
We we're in the family limo (as Steve calls our van) Ty says to me "mom can you PLEASE put a baby in your belly for me?" what to tell a 3 year old with these types of questions???? logically I tell him the 1st thing that comes to mind "Ty I can't my belly is broken" "Ohhhhhhhhhhh" he says as I can see the wheels turning in his head. "Is daddy's belly broken too?" "well, Ty, men can't have babies." I tell him as I am thinking of a way to possibly end this conversation, "Mom I was in my Haitian mommy's belly?" yes Ty, and Tamaya was in her Haitian mommy's belly too, you we're brought to us by adoption.... conversation stopper; I crank the tunes and tell 'em all to shake their booties :-)
We get to the grocery store and I place the baby in the top, the toddler in the cart & I let Ty have his own little cart... he is the helper and I am hoping this plan of mine works. I get some tomato's, onions, then we
pass the fresh flowers... my dear son grab a beautiful bouquet of flowers and says "mom, these are for you, they are so beautiful, just like you mom!" So I put them in cart!!!! The boy is a charmer!! Watch out ladies. The rest of the shopping went relatively well, he kept bumping into everything and wanted to race? So my beautiful flowers took some bumps..... but I am indeed enjoying them.
Later.....he lifts my shirt and in a raised voice I tell him " what are you doing?, get out of there" Mom I'm just kissing your broken belly"... Gosh, what a way to make me feel like a schmuck. So I gave him a big squeeze and told him how great he is... WHAT A KID!!!
*Please keep in mind that my girl friends cat just had kittens and our neighbors pregnant.. fuel to the fire!
We we're in the family limo (as Steve calls our van) Ty says to me "mom can you PLEASE put a baby in your belly for me?" what to tell a 3 year old with these types of questions???? logically I tell him the 1st thing that comes to mind "Ty I can't my belly is broken" "Ohhhhhhhhhhh" he says as I can see the wheels turning in his head. "Is daddy's belly broken too?" "well, Ty, men can't have babies." I tell him as I am thinking of a way to possibly end this conversation, "Mom I was in my Haitian mommy's belly?" yes Ty, and Tamaya was in her Haitian mommy's belly too, you we're brought to us by adoption.... conversation stopper; I crank the tunes and tell 'em all to shake their booties :-)
We get to the grocery store and I place the baby in the top, the toddler in the cart & I let Ty have his own little cart... he is the helper and I am hoping this plan of mine works. I get some tomato's, onions, then we

Later.....he lifts my shirt and in a raised voice I tell him " what are you doing?, get out of there" Mom I'm just kissing your broken belly"... Gosh, what a way to make me feel like a schmuck. So I gave him a big squeeze and told him how great he is... WHAT A KID!!!
1 comment:
What a wonderful story you have and what an amazing little boy, you are indeed blessed. Thanks for sharing.
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