Friday, September 15, 2006

I need to do for me list!!!!

I feel so refreshed and ready to "take on the world" I often forget about me. I am too busy taking care of everyone else needs and forget about my needs. I remember a time when a snuggle on the couch with a good book, hot chocolate & my fireplace glowing was part of my daily routine. I seem to have forgotten how I used to take care of my soul.. I'm making myself a "I NEED to do for me list", at least once a day I will take time to do something. To make sure I do it.. I will write it here, (what I did for me today!)... starting tomorrow..LOL
- a night with my girlfriends
- a walk in the forest
- shopping for something for ME!!!
- scrapbooking
- hot soak, w/candles and soft soothing music
- facial
- pedicure/manicure
- girlie movie with the lights dimmed
- spa day ( I have a good plan for this one)
- soothing music while doing nothing but breathing and enjoying it!
- a good book or audio book in the family room with the fireplace, hot cocoa, while wrapped up in my blanket, jammies & slippers :-)
- go to the river and just sit and watch it
- enjoy the scenery around me... the leaves are starting to change and my favorite season is fall
- get a sitter for an hour and do NOTHING
- a nice "romantic" diner all by myself
- have a snoozy
- take a "personal day" off work.. play hookey :-)
- sign up for a class of something
- draw, paint, be creative
What have you done for yourself today? I would love for you to share with me what you do for yourself, what do you love doing?

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