Thursday, September 21, 2006

How we came to adopt Ty - Part 2

We had a "get out of debt" plan before proceeding with our 1st adoption. We had been making double and tripple payments on loans to get our debt out of the way before financing our adoption. We had about 6 months to go when I had the "feeling" it was a indescribable feeling that IT WAS TIME. I told Steve it's time. We need to start NOW. I told him if there was ever a time in my life that I felt urgency it was now. We needed to get the ball moving. I couldn't explain it, it was a gut feeling I will never forget. I pulled out our adoption book, in it was a detailed list of who to call when we started the process. I called our bank man, called the social worker to book appointments to start our home study , called the agency to let them know we had started and we we're ready to proceed. I remember telling Steve that if it wasn't meant to be things wouldn't fall into place. Everything was going so smoothly I was convinced it was meant to be. For months we gathered all the necessary paper work we needed. We met with our social worker many times to discuss our parenting plan. We had our reference letters in place and it was such an exciting time.
We completed our home-study and waited for it all to be approved. When we we're told by our social worker he recommended us to be approved it was amazing. We we're going to parents this time.. no more negative pregnancy test.. this was a POSITIVE!!!
Steve then told me he was leaving for Afghanistan ( his 1st afghan tour) I feared this would hinder our adoption, but he assured me it wouldn't. Our agency tried everything to make it possible to get our referral of our baby boy before he left, unfortunately, our baby's test hadn't all been received.
I was sitting at work looking for Haitian orphanages. I stumbled across a new one I had never seen... in the top right hand corner there was this baby. I remember thinking to myself that could be our baby? The baby was on "hold" for adoption and my boss came in I shut down the screen to never be able to find it again... until I found out which Orphanage had referred us our baby. We still hadn't received our referral and our agency refused to give us any info on the baby until he was "paper ready" I begged and finally got info on the orphanage he was at. I looked it up on the net and low and behold there was the site I couldn't find. There he was the baby boy I had stumbled across before. I was convinced at that point he was our baby boy. I knew he was ours. I called my mom and told her to check our her grandson.
We waited some more for the "official" proposal.
I was shopping at wal-mart when I got the call. I was in the baby section looking for baby stuff :-) I told my agency I would call them back in 40.. I was that far from home. It was the longest drive home that I've ever experienced. I booted up the computer, called my agency and waited for the pictures and info on our new son. I listen so carefully. "well Sue, your son's name is Mackenson" I screamed out.. "I KNEW IT" he is 4 months old, his birthday is April 13.. "Oh that's the same as my dad's I exclaimed" "He's healthy... and here comes some picture he says" Well my gosh... there he was right before my eyes my baby boy. He was more beautiful than I could of dreamed of, he was the most beautiful baby boy I had ever laid my eyes on.
We waited and waited... getting updates every other month on our baby. We we're just about finished the adoption. We had one more document before was officially ours and all the political problems in Haiti started. Every office in Haiti was closed. I sat in panic as my child was in a country that was having a civil war. I was assured that he was safe where they we're by the orphanage director.
Steve came home from his 6 month tour and our little Son Ty still wasn't home.
We waited together for the news of advancement. We placed airline tickets on hold for available flights we waited some more. His room was was ready for him, we were ready for him... but we still waited.
Finally we got the call that it was time. Our baby was ready to come home. The moment we had been waiting for was about to happen. It happened so fast that we needed to make alternate flight arrangements because we had missed our original plane. We drove to Ottawa right away, flew from Ottawa to Miami, Slept an hour, and got on our flight to Haiti... My eyes we're filled with tears the whole way down. I was going to hold my baby so soon. I was never going to have to wish and pray that I be blessed with children. We we're finally going to be parents after all those years of trying and longing.
We landed in Haiti got into the airport and rushed to see where our baby was (he was to be waiting for us there) We looked everywhere and finally found the man that was there to help us. He brought us to our baby...
Ty was sleeping in the arms of a nanni in the back seat of the pick up truck... He was taller then I expected. She handed him over to us.. he was still groggy from just waking up... He snuggled right into me, then looked up at me with a gorgeous little grin. I was filled with tears of joy looking at my baby boy. I will never forget the joy, the excitement and the awwwww of it all. He has blessed our lives, our dreams of becoming parents had come true. I am still amazed at how everything in life is for a reason. I now see why and how my infertility has blessed my life. At one time I thought it was the worst possible thing that could of happened to me... now I see how much a blessing it has been.

I love you my Ty. You are the light of my life and dream come true, you are the answer to so many prayers you are my miracle baby!

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