This morning I went for a haircut & brow wax, brought Ty to nursery school, then picked him up went and had a sub for lunch with him then went to the grocery store. Ty fell asleep in the van on the way home (THANK GOODNESS!!!) When I took him out I was hoping he would sleep a little longer and he did. I put my groceries away super fast and clunked out in bed trying to get the fluish feeling to go away. I woke up close to 4 from my deep sleep and was contemplating bringing him trick or treating, I was feeling worst than before I went to bed, I couldn't not bring him.. so I got him ready and I *thought* we were just going to do our block and then when we got to the end of the road he wanted to keep going and the fresh air sure was doing me some good. I asked him to wait because I knew my friend Stephanie was close by with her kids and a couple friends so I thought at least I would be in the company of great people while he ran house to house. It turned out to be a great night and I'm glad I decided to go.
It's been 3 years in a row Ty has worn his lion costume.. it is getting pretty tight and short.. his spider-man costume was way to thin to wear on such a cool night and it would defeat the purpose if I was to cover it in a snowsuit :-) Next year I will buy him a new one and Tamaya can be a Grand-ma and grand-pa sure got their moneys worth out of the lion costume. I saw one of my daycare ladies tonight. I took the day off and felt like I was playing hooky. I really prefer to let them know the night before so that they can make alternate plans in advance for childcare, and not at 5am. As soon as I feel like it could get worst I usually give them the heads up. I know I would want the same respect given to me by my childcare provider. The only problem is mommy actually took the day off work because her back-up sitters were all busy. So I kind of felt bad for being out and about all day.. she did notice my fresh haircut and thought it was nice I really wonder what she may have been thinking. My other family called me today to tell me she is also feeling fluish.. I'm thinking something must be passing around???
While Ty was trick or treating tonight there was a haunted maze. I was unsure whether he would go in or not.. we got to the entrance and he started getting scared. I picked him up and there was a man with a scary mask standing there, he was getting nervous and I told him that he was a lion and that if he said boo.. he could scare the "monster" away.. well he yelled BOOOO and of course the man humoured him and pretended he scared him. He went all around the maze and scared all the monsters away as we trekked through the haunted place. He was really proud of his new found power of being a lion. There was some places he outright refused to go, and others he used his lion power to get his point across.. he then found the growl in himself. At one point he went to a house.. growled at the older couple and ran back.. forgetting to get candy??? My oh my. He also had a problem with going into peoples houses, and I even overheard the booger telling one of our neighbours that he wanted MORE candies then he had received " I need one for my mommy, one for my daddy and one for my sister" he told the man very matter of factly...(the funny part is, he did get more out of the deal) ;-) He tried that line out later in the evening, but that didn't work out for him... what a kid!!! These are the days being a mommy are extra special.
Ty with his treats