Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sunday update...

I should be giving my house it's deep clean, but instead I am savoring a nice hot cup of coffee and having some down time before my busy day starts... I'm feeling a cold coming on too.. blah!
Yesterday was a nice uneventful day. Ty and I had some basement picnics(in front of the TV in the rec room, we usually always eat together at the kitchen table, it's nice to change it up a bit)we had a nice afternoon snoozy together. It's amazing how good he is evening and weekend!!! It really makes me wonder if doing home daycare is really worth it, I wonder if the problems we have may stem from that? Can he be feeling mom's anxiety with the hustle and bustle of busy weekdays?... I don't know??? I am taking some time off once Tamaya comes home and I will have a chance to re-evaluate my career choice at that time.

Ty starts nursery school in 2 sleeps :-) I'm wondering how that will go?? He is getting pretty excited about it, and I have to admit it I am too. I know it will do him a world of good. The only reservations I had was that it's English and I would hate for this to hinder his next year in French school. He is really clinging to English and I have to constantly remind him to speak to me in French, but I also notice myself responding to him in English.. and having to correct myself.
I have asked his teacher to call him Mackenson. We haven't done a legal name change to Tyrone. I can't bring myself to do it. I would hate to take something that may be so important away from my children. My children will both be called by their birth-names in the school system, Dr. office, etc.... Once they are adults they can choose if they would like it changed and they will have heard both names so neither of them will be foreign to them and won't be as though they are changing their names completely. We will continue to call them Ty and Tamaya, it will more as nicknames. I hope this great plan of mine works :-)