I had a fun day. I didn't spend much (????) actually I didn't even buy anything for me.. what's up with dat?... wait I must of... oh, yes a carpet for our entrance.. $3.97... hahaha. I did score big time on a jacket I had been eyeing for Ty. I noticed it last year and fell in love with it. It was close to $70 and I REALLY had a hard time justifying spending so much on a spring/fall jacket. I picker it up today and it was 50% off.. Yippppeee.. now that is something I can justify :-) I will be sure to post some pics of him in it. I did finally manage to buy my big guy his winter boots, last time it snowed we were house bound because his last years pair didn't even come close to fitting.. now we are good to go.
I came home to an e-mail from a mom that recently came home from

I gave Ty a buzz cut today. I tried getting all fancy, but he moved.. so it was a zero all the way. Luckily he is so cute with it gone.
My e-mail notification went off as I was writing... One of the ladies adopting from our Orphanage came out of IBESR.... I AM SO SO SO HAPPY FOR HER!!! Her file had been in for over a year... I couldn't imagine. She has been pretty patient throughout the whole ordeal.. not all stressed like me..lol We had talked a few times last week on the phone. She really help me come to term with my feelings and it really helped that it came from someone who understood. It couldn't of happened to a better family. (and plus, their file number wasn't higher than mine.. so I do feel it was imperative she get out!!!) I have a hard time with higher file.. ;-)
Our turn will come someday too... I'm just thinking the POA they need might be what may be hold up. I'm hoping next week will bring on some clarifications as to what's going on.
Well I should be heading to bed it's too late. I was really hoping my dear hubby would sign in to MSN or send me an e-mail.
sure sure he was a good Waiter...good service I'll show you good service when I get home
Too funny; Do I sense a tad of jealousy?.. :-) I can't wait until you get home and "service" me.
Now had the waiter been hot too I think he would of gotten a even bigger tip .. hehehe
Love ya babe
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