Wednesday, October 18, 2006

our little secret.. right? as you all know I have bought Tamaya her clothes. I have been worried that I may have bought the stuff too small, Size 2. So today (I really have no idea where I thought this up) I was changing the baby he is just about 14months and Tamaya is 15 months I checked his tags to see what size he was in. He is a big boy... but by the looks of it Tamaya is probably the same size... So I busted out a couple of her outfits and tried them on him...LOL :-) LOTS OF ROOM...hahahah

p.s. I think I will keep this our little secret.. I don't know how his parents may take their son being in a little skirt for a

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean you didn't take pictures to post? lol...