Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just breath Sue.. just

OH MY GOSH.. I just received an e-mail suggesting I call the new director of IBESR in Haiti... my heart started pumping faster and my palms started getting clammy almost immediately after. I looked all over for the darn number and once I finally found it I gathered my thought... wrote a few ideas down of what I wanted to talk about and picked up the phone.

* I spoke to her in French

me; Hello may I speak to Mrs. B Please.
Mrs B; It is me
me; How are you today?
her; I'm doing very well.
me; My name is Mrs. S, I want to congratulate you on your new position at IBESR
her; Oh thank you.
me; I'm calling in regards to my file. We have been in IBESR for 8 months now and I was wondering if there may be a problem.
her; May I have your file number please
me; 13057
her; your child's name
me; Chantaline M.. and our last name is S.
her; I will look into that and you can call back when I'm done.
me; When would be a good time to call you back?
her; Monday is good
me and her; Thank you so much have a nice day

Holllyyyyy mollllyyyyyyy I'm doing the sticken happy funky chicken dance. I may not be bringing my babies clothes back... Once we are signed out of that place we are on the home stretch... 2-3 months and she will be here. Please send over some good vibes/ prayers to Mrs B to have her signing pen ready to go once she reviews our file :-) Of course I will keep you all posted about the upcoming developments.


With all that being said I hope she is not like the other froot loop that told us he would sign our file "next week" over 2 months ago. I can't take another disappointment like that!!!


Anonymous said...

wow sue i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and sending her the vibes for a quick homecoming for Tamaya

good luck


Anonymous said...

Like Jody wishes

Anonymous said...

Oh I hope that works for you!! I too am adopting from Haiti from COTP. I am adopting a little sibling set - girl 3 and boy 1. We are still waiting to get "IN" Who are you adopting through?

Lets hope this new director is a woman of her word and wants these children home quickly. Does she speak any english?

I will watch for your good news on Monday - Good Luck!

Laurie in Calgary

Sue said...

Hi Laurie in Calgary :-) We are adopting from Brebis, but our baby girl is in Kenscoff up the mountain from GLA.. (I hope that helps I was actually VERY interested in adopting from COTP. I had been in contact with Robin and was very hopeful that was the route we were going, until we were told we couldn't in Ontario... because they didn't hold their creche licence and it was done with a 3rd party... Which children are you adopting??? I often find myself checking the COTP site!!! I hope you get in soon and that the new director gets sign happy. There is NO reason our children should have to stay in the O's so long before coming home.

I'm not sure if she speaks English??? When I call on Monday I can ask her?.. that's if I don't freeze