Our big ol' grumpy Himalayan is Sam, he's 15ish. My parents bought him for me when I was a teen because I feel in love with him at the pet store. I had always wanted a big fluffy cat... well that's about all he is. He is so independent. Comes for snuggle once a month, then bites you if he doesn't like the way you are petting him... he is full of attitude!!! Steve's nickname for him is Shieff. He rules the the pets and puts up with nothing from them... Steve has yet to be bitten from him which still surprises me.

This is our dog Misty, she is 10yrs old. We have had her since she was 8 weeks old. She is daddy's dog, and when he is away she pretends that I'm her favorite. She's a pretty good dog with the occasional "mistakes". She can't help herself if there a loaf of bread on the counter. I have come many times to a empty bag of bread on the floor.

Our baby Jake, he is 9.5 years old. He is Siamese. He is the opposite of the "usual" Siamese. He is extreme in the snuggle department... He will make you pet him in the middle of this night if he sees your hands are there. I keep my fingers hidden from him. If someone is willing to give him lovings he's all over them... all the time :-)