Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Before and

Ok so my life isn't so exciting, but I thought I would humor you with my life before and after kids.

I used to ride in my car with my sun roof open for the fresh air with the tunes blasted to enjoy the song. Now I ride in the family van, windows open to get rid of any poop stench and the music up loud to drown the sounds of kids in the back!

I used to wake up at 6:30 to prepare for my busy day of work that started a 9:00. I would do my hair daily, put on my make-up and get dressed up. Now my alarm is set for 5:45 snoozing at least once with barely enough time to shower. I have the "wash and go" look. I am lucky if I do my hair and make up once a week/month and my idea of getting dressed up is putting a pair of track pants and a unstained t-shirt.

Friday nights were reserved for hubby and we would have a date night.. Now Friday night consist of running the hell out of the house because I'm going crazy from being in it all week.

I used to manage a staff of 5+ adults. Now I try to manage a posey of 5+ ... At least the adults would talk behind my back. The kids they let it all out IN YOUR FACE.

My yard used to be nice and clean...lush grass. Now it looks like a kiddy toy scrap yard with bald spots everywhere from the ride on toys.

I used to be anonymous is my small town; now I am Sue, Ty's mom and daycare provider???

I used to have a home office/craft room. Now it's a playroom :-(

I had more than enough room for hubby and I in our house. Now I am wondering were I can stuff things.

My pets used to be my "babies" now I'm wondering when they are going to knock off so I can have less cleaning to do... don't get me wrong I do still love them, but honestly can't find the time I used to have to love on them and clean up after them.

When I would go shopping for clothes I went straight to the "professional section.... now I bolt for the comfy's and PJ's.

My closet was full of skirts, blouses, 2 piece suits... with one pair of tracks for the weekend... Now full of tracks, jeans and t-shirts with one dress up outfit.

I watched what my hubby put on the tube & now I watch whatever will keep my son quiet for 30 minutes... so that haven't changes much!!!

Steve and I never ate at the kitchen table.. unless we were having a "romantic" diner.... now the only time we eat away from the table is when was have basement picnics.

Awwww so although my life has changed quite a bit I would NEVER for one second go back to my old life. My hubby and son bring me so much joy and happiness and I wouldn't trade it for the world.. bring on the poopy butt, the extra laundry and the messy house!!!! Anything for my family.

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