Saturday, October 28, 2006

IT'S FRIDAY.. well technically Saturday.. but whatever..

This morning I brought the kids to get the oil change done on the van. 3 kids in a dealership... not exactly my idea of fun. At one point another family and their son showed up (I think they may have been in the process of buying a vehicle.) His mom went to put him in the play area and the boy was obviously shy because of my gang being there and she threatened him that he would have to go sit with his daddy. The boy screamed and hollered " I hate my daddy.. no mom" as he was having a tantrum. Ty looked at me in shock " mommy, I love my daddy, that boy doesn't like his daddy? Mom I would go sit with my daddy" well my eyes filled with tears as I was listening to my son visibly shaken by this experience. I could see so clearly how much he missed his daddy and it filled my heart with sadness. We sure do miss Steve... (Love you babe!!! 3 more weeks :-))

I had planned a trip to Toronto this weekend to attend a reunion of sort for the children that have been adopted from Haiti. My girl friend, her children and Ty and I had been planning this trip for a while now. We unfortunately had to cancel as we are in a snowfall warning overnight and all day Saturday. I am a tad disappointed because there are a few families that I was really looking forward to seeing. Last year at this time Steve and I had went and I remember bringing the picture of my then 2-3 month daughter feeling so proud and showing her off to everyone... here we are one year later. She is 16 months and we are still waiting. I hope by next year she will actually be home to come.. :-)

I guess now that I will be home I will get some much needed rest as well as finish up a few projects that I had started.

1 comment:

Andrew said...


Send me some snow to the south. It hasn't snowed here in years. Sorry, your plans got cancelled. Better safe than sorry though.

Jonathon "Andrew"