Monday, October 16, 2006

this and that, again...

My weekend was good. It was nice to see my friend and catch up... it had been 2 years since the last time we got together.. mind you when we were together it didn't feel like it. She looks great all pregers and She is due next month. I meant to take pics and it never happened...sorry :-(
Saturday we went shopping.. (oh, oh!!!) I spend tooo much money. I bought my daughter her wardrobe (well most of it), I figure if she is signed out soon and I wait until she gets here to buy her clothes the spring/summer stuff will be out, but it will still be winter.. So if by the beginning of December she is not signed out I will return the clothes and wait until the next season. I also bought myself 4 pairs of comfy pj bottoms.. yes I am an, also bought a pair of comfy's for my girl friend and an outfit for her baby to come.

I talked to my honey already this morning and it was with a heavy heart. I told him he HAS TO COME HOME. He assures me he will, but one never does know. I have much more of a deep appreciation for my hubby and all he is to me. I can't wait until he is home safe and sound.

I talked to my daycare family today and offered my condolences. I asked her what the plans were for the next couple days so I can be of some support for them, tonight I will prepare some casserole type meals for them, some meat and cheese trays and some homemade cookies for my big daycare girl.... she always loves my homemade cookies. The extended family will be all staying at their house and I know it is greatly appreciate. My daycare mom and I had a big cry together and she told me she wishes Steve a safe return home. She talked about her nieces and their reaction of knowing their daddy isn't coming home and it's so sad. Tonight they will be going to receive his body and within the next couple days they will be having the funeral and the memorial. I will be attending both, unless they need me to care for their son. He is only 2 and I have offered my services to keep him if need be. Gosh this one is so hard....

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