Sunday, October 15, 2006

Too close to home

It is a very sad and emotional time for me this evening. I have been informed late this afternoon that one of the soldiers that was killed Saturday is the uncle of 2 of my daycare kids. My heart goes out to his family. He has a lovely wife and 2 beautiful daughters, my heart really feels for them. I did have the pleasure of meeting Darcy when he was home on leave when I brought Ty to the movies. He was there with his family and they were all glowing because daddy was home he had arrived the night before. I welcomed him back to Canada and asked him if he was glad to be home. His response was that he was happy to be home, but wanted to be with the boys in Afghanistan to protect them. I remember thinking to myself how much of a close nit family our soldiers become when they are faced with such dangers. My heart goes out to his family. My deepest sympathy's go out to his wife and daughters and my daycare family.

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