Monday, October 02, 2006

Mondays.. I don't like Mondays.. Blah :-)

I feel like I didn't get any sleep last night although I know I did, but it was interrupted sleep. I would wake up every half hour with my tongue stuck to my pallet (is that even the English word? Anyways...The top of my mouth is what I'm talking about.. ) due to my mouth being so dry from my cold...It's so gross. I'm sure my snoring doesn't help me in that department :-)

So much for feeling like I would have a slow day with 2 kids. I think I have a couple tired little boys. Mondays are always like that with the daycare kids. Mom's and dad's keep them up later, or alter their routine to spend time with them, and I'm left to suffer on Mondays. I'm sure he will be well rested and good for tomorrow!
I brought the kids to play group (I NEVER go to play group, and don't like it, it's a bunch of "click" ladies from our small town and honestly I can live without the gossipers) I wanted Ty to know where he was going tomorrow for nursery school and at least feel at ease in a new location. I didn't stay the whole time, only an hour. I had to get some stuff to get through the next couple days. Milk, cream & bread... at least until I get the energy to get to the grocery store.
Then I drove to the next town over to get my sticker for my plates and wouldn't you know... the place is now a video So now I'm ridding illegally until at least Wednesday.. I feel like such a bad a$$..LOL
The kids are having quiet time... the house is so QUIET.. the only sound I hear is my fridge... awww the silence is so nice. Now I'm going to go clean my basement, even though I REALLY don't want to.

I guess I'm not listening to my body today.... It's telling me to do NOTHING...hahaha!!!

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